About The Ghosts

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United States
I am 19, I am female, I am a novelist and I will be joining the United States Marine Corps. I have two blogs: Memories of Ghosts and MitreSquareMurder. MitreSquareMurder is where I make personal observations and random historical rants about Victorian, Edwardian & Georgian nonsense, as well as other random bits of history. Old photographs, odd quotes and forgotten bits of things that never made the textbooks. Memories of Ghosts is a blog for the fourteen other people with whom I share my life. I call them my 'room-mates' - you might call them ghosts. They aren't alive, now, but they were, once, and since I was a child, they've shared memories and stories with me and helped support me and take care of me in everything I did. It seems only fair that I, now, give them the opportunity to express themselves. This blog is for them, to share their stories, their thoughts on modern life, whatever they choose. Let's call me LivingWithGhosts. It's up to them now to tell you their names... www.twitter.com/elspethm11 http://mitresquaremurder.soup.iohttp://mitresquaremurder.deviantart.com

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Alan - Run Kaiser Run!

Just, a bit, of art, I did.
A fantasy that I, and probably every other Allied soldier, entertained frequently, was that of getting the Kaiser out on the field, and in the range of fire, and taking it to him. Unfortunately, and to my great disappointment, this never happened, but I did doodle it a number of times, back then, and while bored in a doctor's office waiting room, I scribbled it out again, and I now share it with you.

Just for fun, and obviously, not meant to be anti-German, or anything like that. I'd like to know what you think. "Ach! Mein Gott!" of course means 'Oh my God!' in German.

Oh, if only...

I know, I'm not, the best artist, ever, but, like I said, it's just, for fun. Image, is copyright, me; please, do not use, without, my permission. You can find it, and other works, on my deviantART page, here: http://aef1918.deviantart.com/art/Run-Kaiser-Run-203762219

-- Alan.

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